Dance Studio


Dance Universe

“A Place for Self-expression”

Discover the dance

We offer hundreds of creative and arts courses.

What we do

We Offer classes for dancers who desire to compete at popular competitions and conventions. We also offer recreational classes for those not wanting to compete. Ages are from 3yrs old to high school seniors. Classes offered in Ballet, Contemporary, Jazz, Latin Jazz, Hip Hop, Acro and Pilates.

The dance universe company has been recognized for their exceptionally talented dancers. The company is based on an invite only process. Students are watched in class by the faculty and then interviewed before entrance. The company trains for numerous hours in the studio each week. They travel to perform, take classes and compete all over the country. Dance Universe works to make sure the company has one of the most diverse repertoires in dance. As the Artistic Director, Traci-Ann Pearce Skinner looks forward to merging South Florida’s young talented dancers and today’s most outstanding choreographers to create fresh dimensions of artistic excellence.


Dance Universe

To see what classes you are interested in, what time and day works best for you and which instructors are available, take a look at the class schedule page.



All classes are taught by industry arts professionals

Find out about Dance Universe’s upcoming competitions, conventions and performances by checking out the events page.


Discover the dance —


Customer Reviews

"Duis aute irure dolor in reprehen in voluptate velitsesse cilo"
Jannet Walla
Hair Stylist
"Dolor aute irure duis in reprehen in voluptate velitsesse cilo"
Lynell Prowell
"Aute duis irure dolor in reprehen in voluptate velitsesse cilo"
Shanae Pooler

What we offer

Our Classes

Lyrical Classes

Ballet Classes

Latin Classes

Contemporary Classes

Acro Classes

Hip Hop Classes

Start Your Journey

Hundreds of creative and performing classes

— Discover the dance —

Our Events

season 2023 - 2024 registration still in progress